In ONE DAY IT WILL ALL MAKE SENSE, Hugo Cantegrel explores his heritage, the influence of a familial past that resonates in our lives.
The foundation of Hugo Cantegrel’s practice is build up from an autobiographical narrative. Inevitably, there is notion of nostalgia embossed within the practice. The artist draws from his childhood memories, pieces that express a tangible reality, sometimes abstract sometimes faded.
However, the pieces become autonomous. They perform nothing more than their function as art works, inviting the viewer to face his own memory.
« I like to keep my work open. It is to say that I am looking for different layers of understanding, a certain idea of universality, a mass of references, a call for memories, an interweaving of narrations that each viewer is able to create. »
Cantegrel works with installation which main concern to him is about composition. Each work should not be seen individually but as part of a whole. This allows him to reuse some works inside new dispositifs with complex interactions in between the different supports.
The artist also seeks to create a certain visual musicality, a certain theatricality in the installations. In this way, some works are main characters; some others have a subordinate role. Some bring a dynamic for the eye of the viewer, some act as silences.
Although often static, the practice of Hugo Cantegrel expresses a movement, a track. The reminiscence of something, an action, an emotion or a moment.